Monday July 20th I woke up with what seemed like several bad bumps on my chin, it was more painful than normal but I just assumed it was a breakout. I continued about my day and went swimming with friends. All day it was a faint aggravation. That night I woke up every couple of hours in pain, and if you know me I don't wake up! I tossed and turned and wondered what in the world! I put ice on it and hot towels I even took three left over pain pills from a surgery and nothing would subside the pain. I woke up looking like a man with a huge chin and I could barely talk and I definitely couldn't smile! I continued thinking maybe just a bump gone wrong and I kept taking ibuprofen and putting ice on it but when I couldn't sleep that night I knew something was really wrong! I called to make a doctor apt at 8:00 the next morning. I literally watched the clock from 7 until it turned to 8.
I went into the doctor where they tried to lance it to see if any infection would release and they gave me two shots, antibiotics and pain. I went home to rest and was feeling a little better, then it began to hurt to breath and the next morning I called again. They were concerned infection had spread so sent me to ER for scans and Iv antibiotics. After being pricked and prodded I finally was feeling some relief from the pain meds. I will spare you the details of the infection that had to drain from my face.
They sent me home with more 2 antibiotics to take and assured me I would get better. I still did not know for sure what had caused the abcess.
Between strong pain meds and antibiotics I don't know what but I was sick as a dog the day after the hospital. Couldn't keep anything down and absolutely no appetite. I was so miserable there are really no words. Finally after probiotics and nausea medicine I was able to keep some food down and appetite returned about a day later.
The doctor called and confirmed that the infection was MRSA, the very thing I hoped it wasn't. Where in the world did I get this? Great, now are my kids and husband and risk? No fun.
I am continuing to get better, I still don't look that great. But yesterday I literally was dancing and singing around the kitchen. I'm sure there are worse illnesses in the world and I am so thankful that mine wasn't as serious as it could have been! Thank you everyone who prayed! I have had two c sections and I don't think they were as painful! I am so glad to be feeling halfway back to normal. I say all this to say, you know your body and when something is wrong, go to the doctor! Lol. I am adding a pic below hopefully it doesn't offend you. After a few days you can see how much I drastically transformed into the hunchback of notre dom!