Today I felt sad because my daughter is nine months old and I feel like she was just born. Time has flown,as my mother said it would, since I have had my on kids. All my life I have waited for the "next big thing" and now I have all I ever wanted and time fades away as quickly as the foam on the ocean shore.
Today I will continue this blog in the form of a gratitude journal about my children in order to record all the special moments I share with them. Today I vow to spend every moment more like it is my last than to think about what is next.
God has placed in my care two of his special children; Jackson and Daphne. I am so beyond blessed that he felt I could handle this challenge and there are days that I am doubtful. Although being a mom is the hardest thing I have ever done it is one of the most rewarding!
Daphne Grace pulled up today on the crib! How did this happen? I am truly grateful that she has the strength in her body to do this. It's amazing how I anticipated every milestone that Jackson would reach yet with Daphne these things are happening before I can get anxious.
Tomorrow Jackson goes for his dial 4 kindergarten screening. He is so smart! He is reading CVc words and sight words already! I am grateful that he is able to do so well.
Today Jackson was playing make believe jumping into his "ship" from the dock! I played a long with him and said "whew" I didn't think you were going to make it. He loved that I was playing along with him! This is something that doesn't come natural to me anymore... I come home and after a long day of work I don't feel like playing. But it is so important to me to make him feel like I think he is the coolest kid in the world!
This weekend I am going with my friend to get a tattoo to symbolize my children. I am getting a tree branch on my chest or wrist.... Still undecided. This represents my "little birds" and I pray that I will teach them to fly! "My wish for you is that life becomes more than you want it to!"