A wretched sinner like me. Yes even me. When something is on my mind the best way to get it off is to write about it. I attended IF gathering 2016 and it was a wonderfully moving experience. I have had something bothering me, on my mind for a week or so... And sitting in this conference it came back to my attention. At lunch the other day I began to talk about some of the things the bible says and someone looked at me and said, "you, quoting the bible?"What a wake up call. I'd like to think that I make my faith known to others. But obviously not for this person and it was a slap in the face for me. Yes me, even me who grew up in Sunday school thanks to a loving granny and godfather who insisted and yes me who attended more than one vbs each summer and learned the scriptures and the books of the bible and accepted Jesus into my heart at age 11. Yes me who struggled to continue to be faithful because of the sadness and pain that I felt in my life. No, I don't deserve to have a father who loves me as Jesus does and yes I fail him daily. And no I may not always be a good example and I may let my temper get the most of me and yes I have made some really terrible mistakes. And yes I have let pride get in the way of my need for Jesus in my life. But without Jesus, and a lot of people who love me like Jesus does I would be so lost. Praise God that no matter who you are and what you have done God loves you no matter what, he loves the least of these, he befriends the most unlikely and the most undeserving. And he knows EVERYTHING about me.. And still pursues me. I have lived with guilt and shame but Jesus sees grace. And I pray that I am able to live that people will see what he has done for my life and not be shocked when they hear me share a scripture or something from the bible. I am enough and so are you and if I can pray for you in any way please let me know.