This marks the third half marathon completed in a years time. And that's surprising considering I was never a runner. Yes I played soccer in highschool. But that didn't mean I liked running. I thought I was taking a break from running until Tosha asked me to run the Myrtle Beach half with her. Training started off slow because I was a little burnt out from just training for Savannah. There were times when I walked way too much and wanted to quit. This time we trained with the intermediate program. I'm no longer a novice! This was 5 days a week of Running 3-5 miles with increasing long distance runs once per week. This race isn't about the 13.1 on race day but the hundreds of miles you put in before. Pushing myself each week and trying to keep up with Tosha I hit many prs along the way. Ex. Fastest 5-7 mile fastest 10-11 mile... I knew I was going to PR this time considering my last half took me 2:30 and I knew I could keep my average pace at around at least ten. But my goal was to run it in at least 2:15 and I surpassed that by running it at 2:03:22! That's cutting 27 minutes off of my November time.
I kept up with Tosha til mile 4 or 5. Then I was determined to keep my pace under 10. Turning the corner and passing the Air Force Memorial and seeing wheel chair racers pass on the other side I had an emotional moment. I thought to myself, you have no excuse Kristin kick it into high gear. It was really a beautiful morning for a race and running beside the ocean made it even better!
People may ask why I run or say "that's crazy." But I say? Why not run? Or at least excersize your body and treat it as the Lords temple that it is.
Where did I see God today? On my 13.1 mile run. As I saw the determination in a little boy that passed me or a wheel chair racer. As I saw the sun rise over the ocean or the cheerleaders clapping and providing motivation to keep going. And most of all when I saw the finish line.
I kept up with Tosha til mile 4 or 5. Then I was determined to keep my pace under 10. Turning the corner and passing the Air Force Memorial and seeing wheel chair racers pass on the other side I had an emotional moment. I thought to myself, you have no excuse Kristin kick it into high gear. It was really a beautiful morning for a race and running beside the ocean made it even better!
People may ask why I run or say "that's crazy." But I say? Why not run? Or at least excersize your body and treat it as the Lords temple that it is.
Where did I see God today? On my 13.1 mile run. As I saw the determination in a little boy that passed me or a wheel chair racer. As I saw the sun rise over the ocean or the cheerleaders clapping and providing motivation to keep going. And most of all when I saw the finish line.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6 19-20